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Prune the Vine to produce good fruit. Just like pruning the vine to produce good fruit; you must periodically prune your programs to have a successful business. You don't have to throw them away, but place them where you are not temped and become distracted. Trying to incorporate all programs at one time will stifle you and just like the over growth of the vine you will not produce good fruit. Focus your steps, discipline your time and establish an order to your business. Use only what is necessary to complete the process for the day. That Is good pruning practice for anyone building a business online. Just like the gardener pruning the vine for a good harvest, we must prune for a good businesses. It is one of the key ingredients to keep free of frustration, fear, and overwhelm. Stay focused, on target, one small step at a time. Your business will grow by leaps and bounds especially when you have a concrete plan in place, free of clutter. Let me know what you think. Have a uncluttered day. This came to my in box today from Nightingale Conant:Wanted to share a bit and give you the link to read the entire post. Somethings are just worth sharing. (link below)
"When businesses go down these days, you hear the same thing over and over again: "It's the economy. Times are tough. It's hard to get people to spend money or take risks." Successful businesses have these four marketing techniques, no matter what the industry:
These four steps are necessary for any business at any time, and you also have to have strategies in place for each of the steps individually, like how to build your database (engine search, joint ventures, etc.), psychological leveraging (the potential pain by not going with your product), attractive packaging, and alleviating fears and hesitation. It doesn't matter what type of marketing you do you've got to have a system that works, a checklist of things you'd do whether the economy is good or bad. Link to post: It's not the times, It's the Technique By T. Harv Eker Take time to make a "do not do" list so you can get on with the "to do" list. As a new marketer you may spend a great deal of time focusing on the unnecessary while the important task goes undone. Therefor it goes on your to do list for tomorrow as left over baggage. If you are carrying the work forward if must be important, so what did you put in front of the task? Chris Guillebeau author of The Art of Non-Conformity suggests making a "to-stop-doing list." The goal is to eliminate the things that keep you from devoting a time to the projects and activities that you enjoy most. Identify what matters and select the ones that are truly enjoyable. Develop a new focus around having these fundamental task. Brainstorm at least three weekly unnecessary,activities- busywork-that keeps you from the important task you have identified. Take action to eliminate the "do not do" and readjust your activities to the "to do" list of what is important. The principle is "while life is filled with some things we don't like to do, many of those things can be left undone without much repercussion." Try keeping a time journal, identify your time wasters, replace them with important task. Leaving you time for fun activities. Focus on the important next right step. The ,"No Pain, No Gain", myth is a misguided mindset for an online marketer. If it's hard for you to get your work done, a challenge to keep up, it you start early and work late and still can't deliver, you may be following the misguided mindset of No Pain, No Gain. It does not have to be that hard to increase your productivity, no one should go through pain to get into production, you simply need to start using your highly productive times more efficiently . Do you recall a time when you lost yourself in your work. You seem to move along with ease. You were in a highly productive moment and your work was accomplished effortlessly with no resistance. It was the flow of productivity. When you match you energy patterns to what you are doing things become much easier. As new online marketers you may tend to stay up late, work during non-productive times, and create greater challenges simply because we are struggling to get work done during your non-productive time. . When if you would find the highly productive time for you to work, you could accomplish more in one hour than fighting the resistance of say five hours. The key is to find your productive times and focus on the important things on your "to do" list first. You will find you are getting more production done is much less time. Focus to Empower your Success Empower your success with strategic planned steps by focusing on a direction to fulfill your dreams. Sounds simple enough, right? It is a simple plan to Empower Your Success, but when you are starting over nothing is simple. The smallest project becomes a major challenge. You may loose sight of your direction and the everything becomes your direction. That is where I found my self, but what I discovered while going through my transition was; it only takes two steps to get you back on the right path. Those two steps are discipline and focus. I ask you to think back to when you were younger and starting your career. Wasn't it disciplining yourself and willing to focus on your career that brought your success. The only difference from then to now is you are a bit more mature and the tools you are using are some what challenging. Your did it then don't let new tools defeat you now. Do you have a choice? Decide today to focus one step at a time and get into production. Being Authentically you to your social media friends, pals, or colleagues, is the number one rule to ensure you have a following for years to come. I had the pleasure of hearing an interview with Chris G.of When I discovered he had been around since blogging began I sat up and listened. Four things that stood out for me was:
Working out who you are and what you can share with another person. Could be your perfect niche. You already know the information so you can walk the talk. You are the expert or at least an authority. Finding you audience will not be hard because you already know the audience. You just have to find where they are hanging out, build a relationship and lead them back to you. Starting over with your authentic self is a good place to start. As an entrepreneur starting over are you living your business in the "Up For Grabs Category"? But most times you do not grab it! According to, up for grabs is an idiom meaning it is available and who ever is first or is successful will get it. Have you ever had a million dollar idea but did not implement the plan, first thing you know you see someone else has the idea and they are loading their pockets with gold. It was up for grabs, so what happened? How did that make you feel? Three reason people do not implement right away.
I promise if you implement the next idea you will implement another and another. Soon you will be the one lining your pockets with gold. Go on do it now. Just the next step and I promise you will get better. PJJ Recently I came across an article at the New York Times, Business Day. People 55 and over are starting over in a new business or profession. According to the Small Business Administration, the number of self-employed people ages 55 to 64 is soaring, the agency says, climbing 52 percent from 2000 to 2007.. With that number climbing, it also means the competition is also mounting. Here are a few tips for the wise starting over:
“We do our best work when we set a balanced lifestyle,” Howard Stone, author of To Young to Retire. “Instead of saying, I’m semi-retired, say I’m semi-working.” To read the article in it's entirety go here: Get focused strategy coaching is knowing which tools to use and at the right time. This short video explains how? |